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    LOCKED GATE ENTRY (KNOX) WHAT IS THE KNOX RAPID ENTRY SYSTEM? The Knox Rapid Entry system is a secure emergency access program developed for property owners and fire departments. When a fire breaks out, or there is any emergency, the Knox Box Rapid Entry System allows firefighters and paramedics immediate entry into buildings and property without forced entry damage or delay. Property owners store keys, access cards, gate keys, etc. in high security Knox-Boxes mounted near building entrances. Each Knox-Box purchased by a property owner is keyed to a master key controlled by the Fire Department. In addition to key boxes and vaults, Knox Padlocks and key switches operate the same master key. This allows fire department access to gated communities and storage areas using the same Master key. HOW DOES THE KNOX RAPID ENTRY SYSTEM BENEFIT PROPERTY OWNERS? When an emergency occurs, the Knox Rapid Entry System will allow the Fire Department to spend less time and fewer resources gaining access to your building. This faster access will result in a more rapid control of the emergency situation. This could mean faster fire control or more rapid shut off of a sprinkler system, resulting in less water damage. In addition, the Knox Rapid Entry System allows fire department access without damage to the building. Without this system, the fire department will gain access by forcible entry. This generally results in damage to doors or windows and their associated facings. After forcible entry, it is generally difficult to secure a building again after the emergency has been controlled. Repairs made after a s single forcible entry will likely pay for the purchase and installation of a Knox-Box. With the Knox-Box Rapid Entry System, property owners save in two ways; first, with more rapid control of emergencies and second, with less damage caused by fire department entry. WHY IS THE KNOX RAPID ENTRY SYSTEM REQUIRED? DON’T OTHER COMPANIES MAKE SIMILAR PRODUCTS? Other companies do make similar products. However, any system adopted by a Fire Department must be compatible from one installation to another. Only one master key will be carried on the fire apparatus. This key must operate all lock boxes in the Fire District. To maintain master key security, all companies in this business carefully guard the master key codes. They will not release this information to any other manufacturer or supplier. These security concerns require that one supplier be selected for all installations in the Fire District. The Knox Company was selected for several reasons. Their system has proven reliable in thousands of cities across the nation. They have a variety of products that meet rapid entry and access needs. However the primary reason the Knox Company was selected for the Geyserville Fire Protection was Key security. No other company makes a product similar to the Knox Master Key Retention system. Because we were not willing to compromise the reputation of the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District, we chose the Knox Entry system. WHO IS REQUIRED TO INSTALL THE KNOX BOX? Owners of any structure which contains a fire alarm that uses an automatic dialer to notify the Fire Department, or contains an automatic fire suppression system, or a multi-family residential structure, which includes senior apartments/ condo complexes that have restricted access to the living units. It also includes Commercial and industrial buildings identified by Fire Officials as difficult to access during emergencies. It does not require that the owner place keys to individual living units in the Knox Box, but this is allowed at the owner's discretion. It also does not require that a structure having on-site 24 hour security personnel utilize the system. DOES GEYSERVILLE FIRE MAKE ANY MONEY OFF THE SALES OF THE KNOX BOX? NO. The Fire Department has absolutely no financial interest in the sales of the Knox Company. The only purposes in requiring the Key Lock System is to improve Fire Department Access in emergency situations and to reduce property damage caused by forcible entry. HOW MUCH DOES A KNOX BOX COST? Currently, the cost of a Knox Box is about $215, plus freight. This product is adequate for most key only installations, but The Knox Company has many other products to choose from. WHERE SHOULD MY KNOX BOX BE MOUNTED? Key boxes should be mounted near the main entry door to your building. The Fire Department recommends that the box be mounted on the right hand side of the door, between five and seven feet above the ground. We also realize that this may not be possible in all applications, so we would recommend calling the Fire Department for advice in some situations. HOW DO I LOCK MY KEYS IN THE KNOX BOX? I DID NOT RECEIVE A KEY? ​ Property owners do not receive keys that will open their Knox Box. Any key that will open your Knox Box will also open other Knox Boxes in the Fire District.. For that reason, only the Fire Department has the master key. When your box is mounted and ready to install keys, call the non emergency number at the Fire Department and advise them that you are ready to place keys in your box. An officer from the Fire department will come and place the keys securely in your box. WHAT KEYS NEED TO BE INSTALLED IN MY KNOX BOX? The Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District can assist you with that information. Keys required will vary from one business to another. Usually keys for the exterior doors, and all interior doors which control access to shared systems such as HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning), Sprinkler systems, Alarm and electrical panels. HOW DO I ORDER A KNOX BOX? It is very simple. Visit Knox Box online and purchase with a credit card. Please note that the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District will not show up as a listed agency. Sonoma County Department of Emergency Service is the agency you choose. Please see our Knox Box Odering bulletin for additional information.


    SERVICE AREA MAP MISSION & VALUES HISTORY STAFF BOARD BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1/2 Current Board of Directors: Paul Bernier, Scott Newman, Tatsuo Okaya, Fred Peterson, Rob Stewart ​ As a fire protection district, Northern Sonoma County Fire is governed by an elected five-person Board of Directors. Anyone residing within the fire district boundaries, and who meets other legal requirements to hold public office, can run for a position on the Board. Elections are conducted every two years; each director serves a four-year term. If you are interested in being a candidate for the Northern Sonoma County Fire Board of Directors, contact the Sonoma County Registrar of Voters. ​ The Board of Directors conducts regular public meetings, in compliance with the Brown Act, on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. In addition, the Board occasionally calls for a special meeting. Anyone who is interested in how the business of the fire district is conducted is welcome to attend and to comment on any item on the agenda. ​ Members of the public are welcome to address the Board about any item not on the agenda in the ‘public comment’ portion of each meeting’s agenda. All presentations made under public appearance are normally restricted to three (3) minutes in length per meeting unless the board President specifically authorizes additional time. ​ Reasonable accommodation will be made at the meeting for anyone having special needs due to disabilities. We request such person contact the Clerk of the Board at least 48 hours prior to the meeting. ​ Each meeting’s agenda is posted in two locations on the Monday before the regular Board meeting: at Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District, Geyserville Fire Station, 20975 Geyserville Ave and on this this website on the Board Agendas page. ​ Prior to each meeting, a Board packet is assembled, containing documents pertinent to agenda actions items along with copies of the District’s accounts payables, correspondence, and other items of general information for the Board. The Board packet is available for public viewing at Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District, Geyserville Fire Station, at 20975 Geyserville Ave by 7 p.m. on the Monday before the Board meeting. ​ ​


    ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW DOCUMENTS Sonoma Land Trust Preserves Vegetation Treatment Project CalVTP Programmatic Environmental Impact Report (PEIR) CalVTP PEIR ​ Project-Specific Analysis and Addendum to the CalVTP Program EIR ​ Attachment A Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program Attachment B Special-Status Species & Attachment C Hazardous Materials ​ Findings and Statement of Overriding Considerations for CEQA Project-Specific Analysis and Addendum ​ Draft Board Resolution 21/22-0317-02 Adopting the CEQA Project Specific Analysis/Addendum for Sonoma Land Trust Preserves Vegetation Management Program, making CEQA findings, approving project, and approving related actions ​ ​

  • MISSION & VALUES | No So Co Fire

    ABOUT US SERVICE AREA MAP HISTORY STAFF MISSION & VALUES BOARD The Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District protects over 273 square miles in Northern Sonoma County. We serve Knights Valley, Franz Valley, Alexander Valley, Chalk Hill, Dry Creek Valley, the Geysers, Geyserville, parts of unincorporated Healdsburg and Lake Sonoma. MISSION STATEMENT The mission of the Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District is to serve, lead and support the community by providing the highest possible level of emergency services for the protection and preservation of life, property and our beautiful natural environment. VALUES ​SAFETY We work as a team to protect life, people, and property ​ PRIDE We hold the department and its members in high esteem. We value our performance, equipment, and organization. ​ DILIGENCE We strive to do the best at all we do. We are always studying, training and checking equipment. ​ COLLABORATION We encourage initiative, always within a culture of collaboration and working together. No one is allowed to fail. ​ INTEGRITY We value behavior that earns trust, by being inspiring role models for the members of the community. ​ TRANSPARENCY We value being open and genuine with each other and we encourage open communications with all people in the community. ​ RESPECT We are considerate of firefighters, the community, visitors and private property. EDUCATION We are always training to better ourselves for the community. We use the equipment properly with trained personnel for the safety of ourselves and others. ​ HISTORY We remember and honor the history of our department, past firefighters and what we have evolved from. ​​ About Us

  • JOIN | No So Co Fire

    ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS FOR ​ ​ click here for application WILDLAND FUELS TECHNICIAN ​ Applications for Wildland Fuels Technicians (fuel crew members) will be accepted on a continuous basis with positions filled as necessary. ​ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT WILDLAND FIREFIGHTER ​ Applications for Wildland Firefighter will be accepted on a continuous basis with positions filled as necessary. ​ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT EXPLORER PROGRAM ​ The Northern Sonoma County Fire Protection District is proud to partner with the Cloverdale Fire Protection District to offer an Explorer Program for youth ages 14 - 17 years old. Please call the Geyserville Fire Station at 707-857-4373 or click the link below. ​ MORE INFO VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS ​ Are you interested in learning life saving skills and helping the community? The following is a list of minimum qualifications and commitments: Pass background investigation Pass annual physical fitness test and regular physical exams C omplete a volunteer training academy Commit to four 12-hour daytime shifts per month ​ Please contact Captain Mendez at for all inquiries regarding Volunteer Firefighter. ​ COMMUNITY OUTREACH SPECIALIST ​ Applications for Community Outreach Specialist are due August 31, 2022 . ​ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FORESTRY TECHNICIAN 5 ​ Applications for Forestry Technician 5 are due August 22, 2022 . ​ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FORESTRY TECHNICIAN 4 ​ Applications for Forestry Technician 4 are due August 22, 2022 . ​ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT FORESTRY TECHNICIAN 3 ​ Applications for Forestry Technician 3 are due August 31, 2022 . ​ JOB ANNOUNCEMENT

  • COPE | No So Co Fire

    COPE (CITIZENS ORGANIZED TO PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES) COPE is a model for public safety organizations and citizens based upon neighbor helping neighbor in preparing for an emergency with the goal to ensure the next emergency can be mitigated as efficiently as possible with the least amount of loss of life and property. MORE INFORMATION

  • CONTACT | No So Co Fire

    CONTACT US CONTACT PHONE: (707) 857-4373 PO BOX 217 GEYSERVILLE, CA 95441 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: 20975 Geyserville Ave Geyserville, CA 95441 ​ NAME HOW CAN WE HELP? EMAIL *DO NOT USE THIS TO REPORT AN EMERGENCY Submit Thanks for submitting! FIRE STATION TOURS FIRE STATION TOURS We offer fire safety presentations and tours at your school or as a field trip to the Geyserville Fire Station. To book your tour, call 707-857-4373. CPR TRAINING The District has trained CPR instructors on staff for CPR certification. Please call the Fire Station for more information. CPR TRAINING

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